Saturday, October 11, 2014


It is a little embarrassing to admit that I have been in Santa Barbara for so long, and still there are plenty of things I haven’t tried and places I haven’t been. In fact, there is so much of the American culture that I still don’t quite comprehend. For instance, I don’t understand all rules of football, which is a bummer. Since we are talking about it, could someone please tell me why the receiver is able to simply wave at the referee and, magically, he no longer can get hit? Seriously, I don’t get it.

Anyway, last week, SBCC’s football team played against LA Southwest. We won! Although I needed a friend to explain me the game as it was going on, I had so much fun. We had a tailgate party where we prepared for the big game, needless to say I had no idea what a tailgate party was until I was invited a couple of week prior. Also, I must say I am still impressed with some of the things the cheerleaders did, and I mean it. Some girls were thrown in the air, and then they did some crazy jumping around. I got tired just by watching them. So these were some of my firsts last weekend. I can’t believe I’d never done any of that before.

By the way, here is a picture of some friends doing the hula hoop challenge during half time: 

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