Friday, May 8, 2015

Summer Break and Finals

You probably have noticed already that I love traveling. Visiting new places allows us to put things in perspective, get in touch with different cultures, meet wonderful people, and live unimaginable adventures.  So, obviously, I am taking off a few days after I am done with my last final.

Unlike many (or shall I say most) international students, I am not going back home. Instead, I’m taking a one-way flight to Panamá and will see how far I manage to go. I think it is going to be lots of fun, and a great opportunity to improve my Spanish! Seriously, exploring a new country alone is definitely a marvelous experience that everyone should try at least once. But I’ll admit my budget is a little limited, which doesn’t prevent me from having fun. It simply means I’ll have to stay in hostels and cook more often than aregular tourist would.

The only thing standing between me and Central America, therefore, is the exams I still have to take and a few essays due. Of course, I’ve been studying for them, yet I get a little nervous. I guess this is part of the inherit pressure that comes with finals week, and we all have to learn to deal with it.

Anyway, I am going off to summer break soon, and thus wish everyone a good time too!

Where I'll be this summer! So excited!

Oh! I am sorry I haven’t been taking many pictures in the past weeks, but my life latey could be summarized in two words: library and books.

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